Some more examples of Patterning patterns.
The Black Square
This simple black square with some coloured lines illustrates a couple of important points.
Firstly this pattern can exhibit a wide variety of variations based on the several randomized parameters it contains. For this reason it's illustrated with two examples here.
(defn rcol [] {:stroke (rand-nth [ (p-color 127 255 127) (p-color 255 ) (p-color 200 100 200) (p-color 200 200 100) (p-color 102 255 178) (p-color 255 51 255) ; pink (p-color 0 204 204) (p-color 255 51 51) (p-color 255 255 204 ) ]) :stroke-weight 2 } ) (defn dark-fill [style] (conj style {:fill (darker-color (:stroke style))}) ) (defn t1 ([p] (t1 p (rcol))) ([p s] (->> p (stack (drunk-line 10 0.2 s) ) four-round (rotate (/ (rand-int 10) 10)) ) ) ) (stack (rect -1 -1 2 2 {:fill (p-color 0)}) (grid-layout 5 (repeat (t1 [] {:stroke (p-color 250 180 200) :stroke-weight 2})) ) (->> (apply stack (take 3 (iterate t1 (drunk-line 10 0.1 (rcol))) )) four-mirror ) )
(defn rcol [] {:stroke (rand-nth [ (p-color 127 255 127) (p-color 255 ) (p-color 200 100 200) (p-color 200 200 100) (p-color 102 255 178) (p-color 255 51 255) ; pink (p-color 0 204 204) (p-color 255 51 51) (p-color 255 255 204 ) ]) :stroke-weight 2 } ) (defn dark-fill [style] (conj style {:fill (darker-color (:stroke style))}) ) (defn t1 ([p] (t1 p (rcol))) ([p s] (->> p (stack (drunk-line 10 0.2 s) ) four-round (rotate (/ (rand-int 10) 10)) ) ) ) (stack (rect -1 -1 2 2 {:fill (p-color 0)}) (grid-layout 5 (repeat (t1 [] {:stroke (p-color 250 180 200) :stroke-weight 2})) ) (->> (apply stack (take 3 (iterate t1 (drunk-line 10 0.1 (rcol))) )) four-mirror ) )
Brazilian floral kitsch "Chita" patterns are common for textiles, table coverings etc. Here's a demonstration of how to approximate the style in Patterning.
(defn add-style [new-style {:keys [style points]}] {:points points :style (conj style new-style)}) (defn bez-curve [style points] (add-style {:bezier true} (->SShape style points ))) (defn petal-group [style dx dy] (let [ep [0 0]] [ (bez-curve style [ep [(- dx) (- dy)] [(- (* -2 dx) dx) (- dy)] ep])])) (defn petal-pair-group "reflected petals" [style dx dy] (let [petal (petal-group style dx dy)] (stack petal ( h-reflect petal)))) (let [blue {:fill (p-color 150 150 255) :stroke (p-color 50 50 255) :stroke-weight 2} yellow {:fill (p-color 180 250 50) :stroke-weight 1 :stroke (p-color 150 120 20)} green {:fill (p-color 20 100 30)} rand-rot #(rotate (* (mod (rand-int 100) 8) (/ PI 4)) %) inner (stack (poly 0 0 0.3 12 {:fill (p-color 50 50 220) :stroke-weight 0}) (->> (poly 0 0.1 0.06 5 yellow) (clock-rotate 5) (translate -0.09 -0.07) )) flower (stack (clock-rotate 15 (petal-group blue 0.3 0.8 )) (let [y-stream (clock-rotate 15 (petal-group yellow 0.3 0.8 ))] (stack (list (nth y-stream 5)) (take 2 y-stream) )) inner) leafy (fn [n] (stack (->> (diamond green) (stretch 0.5 0.25) (translate -0.6 0) (clock-rotate 4) (drop 2) (take n)) (->> (diamond {:fill (p-color 200 255 200) :stroke-weight 0}) (stretch 0.2 0.1) (translate -0.6 0) (clock-rotate 4) (drop 2) (take n)) flower)) whites (stack (->> (poly 0 0.3 0.2 5 {:fill (p-color 255 255 255) :stroke-weight 0}) (clock-rotate 7)) (poly 0 0 0.2 8 {:fill (p-color 0 0 200)})) small-yellow (let [all (->> (diamond yellow) (stretch 0.4 0.5) (translate 0 -0.6 ) (clock-rotate 5) (scale 0.6 )) blues (over-style blue all)] (stack all (list (nth blues 0)) (list (nth blues 2)))) leafy-seq (->> (iterate (fn [x] (+ 1 (mod (rand-int 100) 2))) 0) (map leafy) (map rand-rot)) ] (stack (square {:fill (p-color 255 10 10)}) (half-drop-grid-layout 17 (map rand-rot (map rand-nth (repeat [whites [] small-yellow small-yellow ])))) (half-drop-grid-layout 6 leafy-seq)))
The City We Invent
This complex tiling pattern can generate a number of stylized "cities". Useful for engraved patterns.
(def engrave {:stroke-weight 1 :stroke (p-color 0 0 0)}) (def roof-a [(->SShape engrave [ [-0.9 1] [0 -0.4] [0.9 1] ] )] ) (def roof-b [(->SShape engrave [ [-0.9 1] [0 0.2] [0.9 1] ] )] ) (def roof-c [(->SShape engrave [ [-0.9 1] [-0.6 0.78] [-0.6 0.3] [-0.4 0.3] [-0.4 0.62] [0 0.2] [0.9 1] ] )] ) (def roof1 (fn [] (let [r (rand-nth [roof-a roof-b roof-c ])] (rand-nth [r (h-reflect r)]) ) ) ) (def roof2 (stack (roof1) [(->SShape engrave [[-0.9 -1] [-0.9 0.4 ]])] [(->SShape engrave [[0.9 -1] [0.9 0.4 ]])] ) ) (defn narrow_ [p] (stack (h-mirror [(->SShape engrave [[-0.8 -1] [-0.4 -0.8] [-0.4 0.8] [-0.8 1]])]) (scale 0.8 p) ) ) (defn block_ [p] (stack [(->SShape engrave [[-0.9 -1] [-0.9 1]])] [(->SShape engrave [[0.9 -1] [0.9 1]])] p ) ) (defn block [p] #((rand-nth [block_ block_ block_ narrow_ narrow_]) p) ) (def blank []) (defn person [] (let [x (rand-nth [-0.5 -0.1 0 0.2 0.6]) p (stack (poly x -0.3 0.1 10 engrave) [ (->SShape engrave [[x -0.2] [x 0.1] [(- x 0.1) 0.6]]) (->SShape engrave [[x 0.1] [(+ x 0.1) 0.6]]) (->SShape engrave [[(- x 0.1) -0.1] [(+ x 0.1) 0]]) ] ) ] (rand-nth [p (h-reflect p)]) ) ) (defn street [] (fn [] (rand-nth [blank blank (person )]) ) ) (def bottom (stack [(->SShape engrave [[-0.9 0.8] [0.9 0.8]])] (rect -0.3 -0.2 0.6 1 engrave) [(->SShape engrave [[-0.9 -1] [-0.9 0.8]])] [(->SShape engrave [[0.9 -1] [0.9 0.8]])] ) ) (def round-window (poly 0 0 0.65 50 engrave) ) (def arched-window (let [half [(->SShape engrave [ [0 0.4] [-0.6 0.4] [-0.6 -0.2] [-0.5 -0.27] [-0.4 -0.34] [-0.3 -0.4 ] [-0.2 -0.42] [-0.1 -0.43] [0 -0.435] ] )] ] (stack half (h-reflect half) ) ) ) (def thin-arched (stretch 0.4 1 arched-window) ) (def four-arched (translate 0 0.5 (stretch 0.7 1.2 (reframe (stack (translate -0.9 0 thin-arched) (translate -0.3 0 thin-arched) (translate 0.3 0 thin-arched) (translate 0.9 0 thin-arched) )))) ) (def clock (stack (poly 0 0 0.65 50 engrave) (clock-rotate 12 [(->SShape engrave [[0.5 0] [0.6 0]])]) [(->SShape engrave [[0 0.35] [0 0] [0.3 -0.3]])] ) ) (def segmented-window (stack (poly 0 0 0.65 50 engrave) (clock-rotate 8 [(->SShape engrave [[0 0] [0 0.7]])] ) ) ) (def three-windows (let [h 0.9 w 0.3 l -0.8] (apply stack (map #(rect (- (* 0.5 %) 0.65) -0.6 w h) (range 3)) ) ) ) (def bars (let [bar (fn [y] [(->SShape engrave [[-0.4 y] [0.4 y]])]) ] (apply stack (map bar [-0.5 -0.2 0.1])) ) ) (def grid-windows (scale 0.8 (grid-layout 3 (repeat (rect -0.6 -0.6 1.2 1.2 engrave))) ) ) (def tiles { :street (street) :roof1 roof1 :roof2 roof2 :bottom bottom :round-window (block round-window ) :clock (block clock) :segmented-window (block segmented-window) :three-windows (block three-windows) :grid-windows (block grid-windows ) :bars (block bars) :arched-window (block arched-window) :thin-arched (block thin-arched) :four-arched (block_ four-arched) } ) (def ok-tops (into [] (remove #(condp = % :street true :roof1 :roof2 true true false)) (keys tiles ))) (def ok-bottoms (into [] (remove #(condp = % :street true :bottom true false)) (keys tiles))) (defn random-key [previous] (let [rk (rand-nth (filter #(not (some #{%} [:roof1 :street])) (keys tiles)) )] (cond (= previous rk) (random-key previous) :else rk) ) ) (defn good-random-key [previous] (condp = previous :bottom :street :street (rand-nth [:roof1 :roof1 :street]) ; otherwise (random-key previous) ) ) (defn process-key [k] (let [v (get tiles k)] (if (fn? v) (v) v) ) ) (defn make-batch [size dummy] (let [r2 (- size 2) primo (rand-nth ok-tops ) mid (loop [count r2 previous primo build []] (if (= 0 count) build (let [rk (good-random-key previous)] (recur (- count 1) rk (conj build rk )) ) ) ) fin (if (= (last mid) :street) :roof1 (rand-nth ok-bottoms)) ] (concat [primo] mid [fin]) ) ) (defn tile-stream [rows] (map process-key (apply concat (iterate #(make-batch rows %) []) ) ) ) (stack (rect -1 -1 2 2) (grid-layout 11 (tile-stream 11) ) )
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