Bezier Curves

What if you need something smoother than a line of straight segments?

Bezier curves? We got 'em

 [[0 1] [-1.5 -0.5] [-0.5 -1.5] [0 0]]
 {:stroke (p-color 255 128 64), :stroke-weight 4})

Perhaps we can use this to make smoothly curved corners for a frame

Note : framed is a Layout that takes three arguments :

  • a list of corner pieces (which it reflects appropriately),
  • a list of edge pieces (which it rotates appropriately)
  • and a single centre (NOT a list, just a single group which it fills the middle.)

  {:stroke (p-color 255 128 64), :stroke-weight 2}
  {:stroke (p-color 100 100 200), :stroke-weight 2}]
    [[0.9 -0.9] [-1.4 -0.9] [-0.9 -1.4] [-0.9 0.9]]
  (repeat [{:style orange, :points [[-0.9 -1] [-0.9 -1] [-0.9 1]]}])
  (->> (drunk-line 10 0.1 blue) (clock-rotate 7))))

Framed can be used to generate various bordered patterns

   (square {:fill (p-color 255 0 0 100)})
   (poly 0 0 0.9 4 {:fill (p-color 240 100 240)}))
   (square {:fill (p-color 0 0 255)})
   (poly 0 0 0.5 8 {:fill (p-color 150 150 255)}))
  (poly 0 0 0.9 30 {:fill (p-color 150 255 140)})]
 (framed 7 (repeat corner) (repeat edge) centre))

Which can be tiled together with grid-layout

   (square {:fill (p-color 255 0 0 100)})
   (poly 0 0 0.9 4 {:fill (p-color 240 100 240)}))
   (square {:fill (p-color 0 0 255)})
   (poly 0 0 0.5 8 {:fill (p-color 150 150 255)}))
  (poly 0 0 0.9 30 {:fill (p-color 150 255 140)})]
  (repeat (framed 7 (repeat corner) (repeat edge) centre))))

Random transformations

Note how we fill grids from lazy, infinite lists of shapes made with repeat.

We can map other functions to these streams, for example to randomly rotate them.

 [orange (p-color 254 129 64)]
  (square {:fill (p-color 50 80 100)})
       {:fill (p-color 230 180 90), :stroke orange}
       [[-1 -1] [1 -1] [-1 1]])])))))

We can increase the complexity of the pattern, mixing streams of various sub-patterns.

For more information on transforming streams of sub-patterns with functional programming tools, see Functional Power for Patterning