Some more examples of Patterning patterns.

The Black Square

This simple black square with some coloured lines illustrates a couple of important points.

Firstly this pattern can exhibit a wide variety of variations based on the several randomized parameters it contains. For this reason it's illustrated with two examples here.

(defn rcol []
   (rand-nth [
     (p-color 127 255 127)
     (p-color 255 )
     (p-color 200 100 200)
     (p-color 200 200 100)

     (p-color 102 255 178)
     (p-color  255 51 255)  ; pink
     (p-color 0 204 204)
     (p-color  255 51 51)
     (p-color   255 255 204   )

   :stroke-weight 2

(defn dark-fill [style]
 (conj style {:fill (darker-color (:stroke style))})

(defn t1
   ([p] (t1 p (rcol))) 
   ([p s]
      (->> p
          (drunk-line 10 0.2 s)
        (rotate (/ (rand-int 10) 10))

   (rect -1 -1 2 2 {:fill (p-color 0)})

   (grid-layout 5 
     (repeat (t1 []  {:stroke (p-color 250 180 200)
                            :stroke-weight 2}))

   (apply stack 
      (take 3
        (iterate t1 (drunk-line 10 0.1 (rcol)))

(defn rcol []
   (rand-nth [
     (p-color 127 255 127)
     (p-color 255 )
     (p-color 200 100 200)
     (p-color 200 200 100)

     (p-color 102 255 178)
     (p-color  255 51 255)  ; pink
     (p-color 0 204 204)
     (p-color  255 51 51)
     (p-color   255 255 204   )

   :stroke-weight 2

(defn dark-fill [style]
 (conj style {:fill (darker-color (:stroke style))})

(defn t1
   ([p] (t1 p (rcol))) 
   ([p s]
      (->> p
          (drunk-line 10 0.2 s)
        (rotate (/ (rand-int 10) 10))

   (rect -1 -1 2 2 {:fill (p-color 0)})

   (grid-layout 5 
     (repeat (t1 []  {:stroke (p-color 250 180 200)
                            :stroke-weight 2}))

   (apply stack 
      (take 3
        (iterate t1 (drunk-line 10 0.1 (rcol)))


Brazilian floral kitsch "Chita" patterns are common for textiles, table coverings etc. Here's a demonstration of how to approximate the style in Patterning.